
Step 58 - Knowledge is with me. Entry from Step 57 - Freedom is with me.

Greetings All -

TODAY WE AFFIRM THE PRESENCE OF KNOWLEDGE in your life. Upon each hour claim this affirmation and then take a moment to attempt to feel this presence.You must feel it. You cannot conceive of it alone, for Knowledge must be experienced. In whatever circumstance you find yourself in today, repeat this affirmation once upon the hour and attempt to feel its meaning.You will find that there are many situations that you thought were inappropriate for practice where you can practice. In this way, you will find that you have the power to govern your experience to meet your true inclinations, and you will find that any circumstance is an adequate environment for true preparation and  self-application.

TRY TO PRACTICE EACH HOUR. Remain conscious of your time. If an hour is missed, do not worry, but rededicate yourself to practice in the remaining hours as you proceed. Knowledge is with you today. Today be with Knowledge.

PRACTICE 58: Hourly practice.

To help with the hourly practice, a chime on your watch, smart phone or computer helps. I have Atomic Clock on my PCs and use Caynax on my Android phone.

This is an important Step. I will add the Step page image.

From the Journal:

9/12/99 ...
S2K today is Step 57 - Freedom is with me. I had a short meditation at Chapel. The realization is that as spirit, we bring freedom with us. It is the earth spell that takes it away. 
5:07 p.m. Reviewing my goals - It strikes me that I want to teach - ***geography-free community?