
Step 339 - The presence of love is with me now. (MP3) Entry for Step 338 - Today I will be attentive.

Greetings All –

Step 339 - The presence of love is with me now. (MP3) [Open in Drive or copy to your Drive – Download folder or play from Drive – Step PDF also.]

The presence of love is with me now. Step 339

THE PRESENCE OF LOVE IS WITH YOU, within the fire of Knowledge within you. As exemplified by the presence of your Teachers, this presence permeates all things in the world. It is the context in which the world exists. It is still; therefore, it abides with everything. Can you who perceive the world perceive this abiding presence? Can you who act in the world see the effect of this presence within the world? If this presence were not in the world, the world would have destroyed itself long ago and there would be no hope for your salvation. There would be no hope for true community and for all the things that human beings are capable of in their temporary life here. All things of true value would not emanate, for the darkness of imagination and the darkness of fear would cover the world permanently and all would live in complete darkness. Without the presence of love in the world, this would be the case. Your life here would be sealed in darkness, and you would never be able to escape.

THAT IS WHY YOUR LIFE IN THE WORLD IS TEMPORARY. It could not be permanent, for you are born of the light, to which you will return. How could you live in darkness permanently when you are born of the light, to which you will return? You have been sent into the world to bring the light into the world, not to confirm the world’s darkness. God’s Will is that you bring the light into the world, not that you be banished to the world in darkness. You are here to bring the light into the world.

YOU WHO ARE A STUDENT OF KNOWLEDGE ARE NOW LEARNING step by step to receive the light of Knowledge and the fire of Knowledge. As you experience this within yourself, you will see the fire of Knowledge burning in the world, for this is the presence of love. This is God within the world. What God does in the world God will do through you, but God’s presence in the world activates Knowledge in all minds and calls to all minds to awaken. This substantiates, confirms and strengthens the emergence of Knowledge wherever it is occurring.

GOD’S PRESENCE IS PERMANENT. The world itself is temporary. The physical universe is temporary. God’s presence is permanent. Can you then see what is great and what is small? Can you then see that which gives and that which must learn to receive? Can you then realize the importance of your preparation? Can you then realize the importance of your service in the world?

UPON THE HOUR BE ATTENTIVE and experience the presence of love in the world. If you are attentive, you will experience this. In your deeper meditation practices experience the presence of love within yourself, which is the fire of Knowledge. Remember as you look upon this, within your world and within yourself, that from the stillness of this presence emanate all good works, all important ideas and the motivation for all important activities. This is what drives humanity and even the Greater Community of Worlds towards Knowledge and, with Knowledge, towards becoming one community.

PRACTICE 339: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice

Yesterday:  Step 338 - Today I will be attentive.

Being attentive; new skill? On the page I summarized: “See and experience.”

The journal records some small application of this Step. To change or not to change jobs, always a difficult situation. I won’t tell you how this turns out. That plays out in the years ahead. All the while I am trying to become sure of my meaning, purpose and direction.

For the next four days I will be travelling to Wisconsin for my Mother’s 91st birthday celebration on December 6. That is also my son’s birthday. He is no longer with us, as of 2010.

I plan to keep the blog going, but if a day is missed, do plug on ahead. On January 1, 2016, if you plan to repeat a second year, you can follow the 2x entries at From The Mystery. There I’ll go on to my first time through the Continuation Training.

6:10 a.m. Monday, June 19, 2000 –

– Yesterday's wake-up song was "Come Sail Away" – today's "Baby We Were Born to Run."

Like to leave – no where to go.

How strong is Christoffel?

I don't even have time to look for another job.

Teachers/Guides – help needed here –

7:50 a.m. Cindy said we should just move.

I want to work with "regions" and develop that Knowledge.

I have been able to work the region – the region doesn't like to be worked. [Margin note: ? true?]

"Today I will be attentive." S2K notes that one can see the world is confused. One can feel his own confusion and in seeking Knowledge, is dealing with that.

I felt that I was to do more. Perhaps I've done all I can – and need to look elsewhere. I've managed many grants – could do that…

> Office of intergovt solutions – GSA - Prep for WFS – looking for work…

9:03 a.m. One key piece yet to do for the audit. I need to talk to someone – to build the exit strategy.

I'd like to save the place… But that doesn't seem possible right now.

Do I need an attorney – probably.

Ideally – the audits would be complete.

They are confused – have I not provided leadership? Was I so confused that I didn't give what was needed? I am attentive.

What do I see today? As in 1983 – a building with three people. A Commission which is detached, as opposed to active. To be a consultant I only need one contract

9:42 a.m. Re: Work – I tried to create an environment for creativity – it didn't seem to make the team creative.

For men, work is often their life – one’s entire identity. Modern women have gotten this disease as well, so – it may be the primary consumer of time and thought. Steps is here to help us get some balance in life. Many days I wished I’d had it sooner, but then I’m thankful to have found it at all. Let us continue.


Journal second time x2 Step 338.  This is for those who have completed Steps once. Doing Steps with only the texts, messages and your life experience, including what you may have studied and practiced is your journey. I’m showing Step comments after the Step, so as not to influence you in advance. It is a wilderness trek to be left to your own wits, but then you can also listen more closely for guides, angels and teachers, always first saying: “I surround and protect myself with the Love and the Grace of God.” Thankfully, I was taught this practice in 1989.

P.S. If you’ve some interest due to this or other Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. You can use the posts on this blog as a companion if it helps. They will remain in order in the archives - one post per Step.

Often it takes 18 months to get through the Steps once. For this blog, the pace is one-a-day, but it really makes no difference how fast you do it, only that you begin, persist and repeat. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.