
Step 346 - I am in the world to work. Entry for Step 345 - My Knowledge is my gift to my Spiritual Family.

Greetings All –

YOU ARE IN THE WORLD TO WORK. Work is what you want to do. Work is why you have come. But what is this work that we speak of? Is it your current employment, which you resist and have difficulty with? Is it the many tasks that you think are your own and that you assign to yourself? Your true work may be expressed in any of these activities, but it is truly greater. It will be your happiness and your fulfillment to carry out each step of your true work. Your true work in the world is to discover your Knowledge and allow it to express itself through you. Your true work in the world is to respond to your specific calling, which engages you with certain people in certain ways so that you may fulfill your individual destiny in the world.

THIS IS YOUR WORK. Do not think at this moment that you can understand what this work is and do not try to give it definition beyond what we have given you. It is all right not to know fully what this means. It is all right to apprehend the mystery of your life without attempting to make it concrete.

YOU ARE IN THE WORLD TO WORK. Therefore, apply yourself so that your application may reveal to you the source of your purpose, meaning and direction. It is through your work and meaningful activity that you will experience your value—the value of your individual life and the assurance of your true destiny. Your true work guarantees you all things of value and provides you escape from all things that conceal you and render you helpless and miserable.

REMIND YOURSELF OF TODAY’S IDEA upon the hour. In your two deeper practices, once again engage your mind actively in considering today’s idea. Consider how you view work itself and all of your associations with work. Review how you have responded to work in the past—your desire to work, your ambivalence concerning work and your resistance to work. Recognize how all desire to escape work has really been a desire to discover Knowledge. Realize that Knowledge will engage you with work with new purpose, new meaning and new direction. Examine your thoughts. You must understand your thoughts, for they are still very effective in influencing your perception and your understanding. When you can become objective with your own mind, you will be able to allow Knowledge to shine upon it, and you will be able to use the power of decision to prepare yourself and to work with the content of your mind. This is effective within your range of participation, for it is not given you to determine the purpose, the meaning or the direction of Knowledge, but to become the recipient of Knowledge, to experience Knowledge and to allow Knowledge to express itself through you.

THUS, IN YOUR TWO LONGER PRACTICE PERIODS engage your mind actively. Concentrate on this one idea. Recognize all the thoughts and feelings that are associated with it. In the last portion of each long practice period, allow all thoughts to leave you. Re-enter stillness and receptivity so that you may come to know. Knowledge does not require your thinking when you are experiencing Knowledge itself, for all thinking is a replacement for Knowledge. Yet, Knowledge will direct all your thinking to serve a greater purpose.

PRACTICE 346: Two 40-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

This Step takes us again to “Spiritual Family” and “inclusion in relationship” which “can only be experienced.”

We are also: “to serve those who have sent you.” The notion of Spiritual Family had been given me before this Study. In fact, along with my own spiritual name, I’d come up with a Spiritual Family name. These were confirmed in a reading later, but I’m not 100% sure.

The greater notion for me is the confirmation that I am here by choice and, being here, I am to serve the Creator. This expands the nature of service. 

In the margin I wrote: “Here am I send me!” This is a reference to Isaiah Chapter 6 Verse 8:

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. King James Version (KJV)

Chapter 6 begins with Isaiah saying: In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.

This is a story that is often the basis for sermons, so I’d been exposed to it often. The question is: Where I in that situation, would I remain silent or, like Isaiah, call out to the Lord: “Here am I, send me."

I'd often felt that I would do that as well, answer: “Here am I, send me." This Step seemed to be making that sort of request, so I responded in writing. 

The journal has a few more thoughts:

8:05 a.m. Monday, June 26, 2000 – the FY [Fiscal Year] comes to an end.

Step 345 – "My Knowledge is my gift to my Spiritual Family."

The Family of Sha-Rone – and I am T-om Su-ne

S2K confirms this relationship. It is comforting to have "family" – where you accept and are accepted. Urantia says everyone must have the experience of parenting.

There are families & constellations of families, on the road to true Mecca.

10:12 a.m. At work – the world, and relationships within it are beginning to look quite different. How people think, act, believe, relate – it is all mysterious and confusing.

This is a place where life is lived. Were there more intelligence and wisdom, better transmission of Knowledge, things could go more smoothly.

Spirit precedes manifestation – and succeeds manifestation. At this point I could just disappear, but obviously that's not the purpose of being here.

It feels good to be able to print the color maps at home. All viewing of the world beyond your local line of sight is remote. It is virtual. This thought I need to develop.

11:48 a.m. – Smack – it's relationship to relationship to relationship. What is/where is the cauldron that bounds the ever increasing?

12:15 p.m. All kinds of fun –

2:50 p.m. The power of compounding – compounding relationships… – although I’ve lost the status by title – my relationships are intact and I continue to make more in VA. That is the most compelling reason to stay – that I've relationships through which I might work.

Enemies are clearly in the minority and political or disgruntled staff.

5:52 p.m. A fun day – no one here at the office but me. I finally got to sort data from Center for Public Service by PD – it took some time, but I do believe it can be done. I redid an Access query and improved that. Lots of skill building needed here to prototype my vision.

I'm going to do Practice #1 here – even though it is late.

11:31 p.m. The man who saw regions – but had no energy…

Taking the Steps to Knowledge is a new way to answer the call of Spirit and Spiritual Family. Let us continue.


P.S. At Step 346, we are 19 Steps from the end – Step 365. This is not the place to begin this Practice. If you’ve some interest due to this or other Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. You can use the posts on this blog as a companion if it helps. They will remain in order in the archives - one post per Step.

Often it takes 18 months to get through the Steps once. For this blog, the pace is one-a-day, but it really makes no difference how fast you do it, only that you begin, persist and repeat. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message