
Step 185 - I have come into the world for a purpose. Entry for Step 184 - My questions are greater than I had realized before.

Greetings All –

AGAIN WE AFFIRM THIS GREAT TRUTH, which in your Knowledge you will know to be true. Regardless of your current stage of personal development, the reality of your purpose in life remains true. Therefore, from time to time we repeat certain lessons that are essential for your well-being and development. We give them different wording from time to time so that you may have a greater and greater experience of them. In this way, they may find their way into your heart so that your heart may find its  way into your consciousness.

YOU ARE HERE TO SERVE. You are here to give. You are here because you are rich with Knowledge. Regardless of your circumstance in life, your own sense of poverty will be banished forever as Knowledge arises within you, for there can be no sense of deprivation when Knowledge is being experienced and expressed. This is the promise of this program of preparation. This is the promise of your life. This is your destiny and your mission here. From this, your specific calling in the world will be given to you. It will be quite specific to your activities and behavior. Before this can happen, your mind must be cultivated, and your life must be rearranged and brought into genuine balance so that it may reflect your Knowledge and not your fears and wishes only. A greater life must come from a Greater Source within you. A greater life is made possible for you now.

YOU ARE HERE TO SERVE, but to serve you must receive. In your longer practice periods today, practice receptivity. Go deeper in your practice of stillness. Cultivate this practice. You are now learning the specific skills that will help you to do this. When your will is being experienced, the methods will follow naturally. We give only so much methodology as is necessary to aim your mind in the proper direction. From here you can refine your practice to meet your needs without betraying the instructions that are given in this course.

THEREFORE, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS that are given and make minor adjustments as necessary. When you learn to work with your nature, you will learn to utilize it on your own behalf. Practice upon the hour so that your practice may go with you everywhere and so that everything that happens to you today may be a part of your practice.

PRACTICE 185: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Note: “You are here to serve. You are here to give. You are here because you are rich with Knowledge.”

From the Journal:

6:42 A.M. Monday, January 17, 2000 – on waking – I need a bigger brain. There doesn't seem to be enough room in mine to encompass the areas of information I wish to use.

9:10 A.M. I continue S2K. The information promoting GCWK appears harsh to me – as though there is no knowledge of community in the world. My orientation is specific to my work – but I'm not alone – getting beyond local community has been my challenge. It looks like the emphasis is on creating communities of practice/communities of Knowledge.

If all souls have Knowledge implanted by the Creator – and Unseen ones are available to all – the thought-adjuster in the Urantia model – and life experience challenges us about our beliefs – then true Knowledge will grow in souls and be expressed.

The world is divided into occupations – priesthoods. Every knowledge is not for everyone. Even those that study all the time may not know. The answers they present to may be believed, or at least not challenged.

I am able to do in the region what I do because of the design and my use of the design. I am a hub – being, a Cisco router, an information device – with an ability to listen. I assist in this community of practice. It is spiritual. It is my ministry – per John Dooley – Public Ad-ministration.

Reading on in S2K – there are no soft landings here. Life can be hard – it will be harsh.

9:50 A.M. even though I'm in desperate need of doing the office work – that Pillar – I must continue to read GCWK to understand the relationships.

It is far too wordy and repetitive.

p109 LTWOK  "Eventually, if you build a foundation and learn the Way of Knowledge, you will gain a Greater Community perspective about the world, which is an ability to see the world from the outside looking in as opposed to the inside looking out."

6:15 p.m.  The urgings to do the Steps fall short of the experience of the Steps.

Step 184 "You are seeking to know the meaning of your Knowledge through its demonstration."

7:02 p.m.  Sarah called. She's studying to be a Jehovah's Witness. I told her there was just one God – many ways to worship.

Practice #2

8:20 p.m. Spiritual Family – Sharone   Sha-rone
I am confused by GCW text, not the exercises. The human settlement overlays are inefficient. When desperately poor in the 1930’s their circumstances taught saving - but not adequate investing. They did not learn to protect the land. Y2K got people to cooperate. What will be next?

8:56 p.m.  I've been eating heavily all day. I've been reading LTWK. The final conclusion is that if mankind doesn't unify and cooperate it will fall under the control of other forces. We who may seek knowledge are The Lost Planet Airmen who must save the planet. The GF and HF messages from Sheldon Nidle won't do it?

9:30 p.m.  Things will get worse before there is more cooperation. This I sense – this is why I am patient and persistent. Virginia is a place to practice.

11:10 p.m.  The GCW is useful as a tool for cooperation. The scenario of contact is not impossible. What is my responsibility here?

1. I think this is probable and I want it not to affect my life.

2. I know it will. It already has.

Another day of long journaling. Since I don’t look ahead to see what my responses were in 2000, I end up with quite a bit of text to enter. My thinking has been expanded by “Living the Way of Knowledge” which in chapters 2 – 6, it introduces “The Four Pillars of Life.” This is a book you may want to fit into your reading, as it gives an expanded basis for Steps.

The Step page includes the request: “I need a bigger brain.” A pencil note form 7/1/2012 indicates “sadness.” I could look at the journal for then to see a cause, but won’t.

You’ll note what might be considered criticism in a superficial reading:  The urgings to do the Steps fall short of the experience of the Steps.”  That is not the case. It would better be expressed as: “The experience of the Steps greatly exceeds the urgings to take the Steps.” Sheldan Nidle is falling by the wayside, as the Greater Community perspective grows in my mind. The Urantia Book perspective lingers.

What I told my daughter is a variation on how I approach any conversation on religion or spirituality. If the topic comes up, I offer: “Of course, there is only one God – but many ways to get there. Spirituality is like transportation; it is a need, but you whether you use a Ford, Chevy or Toyota for the trip makes no difference. Religions are vehicles.”  Some vehicles might be better, but a wider discussion can’t begin without some common ground. This is a test for common ground, after which other ideas can test the receptivity to GCS.


P.S. At Step 185, we are into Part Two of Steps, so if you’ve found this and find some appeal in this or other Steps, you should really go to the beginning blog post. From here you learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense and then progress as needed.

Often it takes 18 months to get through the Steps once. For this blog, the pace is one-a-day, but it really makes no difference how fast you do it, only that you begin, persist and repeat. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message