
Step 196 - Review ~ Become objective about your life. (MP3) Entry for Step 195 - Knowledge is more powerful than I realize.

Greetings All –

Step 196 - Review ~ Become objective about your life. (MP3) [Open in Drive or copy to your Drive – Download folder or play from Drive – Step PDF also.]

TODAY REVIEW THE PAST TWO WEEKS OF PREPARATION. Read each day’s instructions and then review your experience of practice for that day. Begin with the first day in the two-week period, and follow each day step by step. You will now begin to review your preparation in two-week intervals. This is given you to do now because your perception and comprehension are beginning to bud and to grow.

REMEMBER EACH DAY. Try to recall your practice and experience. The lessons themselves will recall this experience to you if you have forgotten. Try to see the progression of learning so that you may understand how to learn. Try to see that which confirms Knowledge and that which denies Knowledge within yourself so that you may learn to work with these tendencies.

BECOMING A TRUE STUDENT OF KNOWLEDGE will require greater self-discipline, greater consistency of application and greater acceptance of worth than anything you have undertaken thus far. Following prepares you to become a leader, for all great leaders are great followers. If the source of your leadership represents goodness and truth, then you surely must learn to follow it. And to follow it, you must learn how to learn of it, how to receive it and how to give it.

LET YOUR LONG REVIEW TIME TODAY, which may exceed two hours of involvement, be a review of the past two weeks, keeping all of these things in mind. Become objective about your life. There is no condemnation that is necessary here, for you are learning to learn, you are learning to follow and you are learning to employ Knowledge, as Knowledge will certainly employ you. Here Knowledge and you come together in true matrimony and in true harmony. Then Knowledge is more powerful, and you are more powerful. There is no inequality here, and all things find their natural course of expression.

USE THIS REVIEW TO FURTHER and deepen your comprehension of your preparation, keeping in mind that understanding always comes in hindsight. This is a great truth in The Way of Knowledge.

PRACTICE 196: One long practice period.

From the Journal:

5:38 a.m. – Friday, January 28, 2000 –

Because every "local" is whole and Region is scalable, any one whole can be the center of the universe from their individual perspective.

For people with issues of self-hate/lacking self-love the urge to suicide is to get inside and then the central pain of existing.

Yesterday, the Step 194 was "I will go where I am needed today." Yesterday was excellent in that the three meetings I was involved in went. Well – I was where I was needed.…

Step 195 – "Knowledge is more powerful than I realize." – I'm reading the Step’s text and am getting the value of using the word "Knowledge" instead of "Holy Spirit" as in ACIM. In the 40's it was Urantia, 60's ACIM, 80's S2K – more "soul watcher" programs introduced by spirit into the market, trying to get the 10% share which keeps the animal planet’s chief predator – man – in balance.

I envisioned celestial statisticians evaluating the ideas introduced like marketers –

8:25 a.m. preparing for the trip to Texas – I want to go a weekend every 6 months. Next will be July –

5:52 p.m. at the Pittsburgh airport waiting for the flight to Dallas which has been delayed. It is okay – time to slow down. I got to the airport just in time for my 3:38 p.m. flight here from Dulles. I left the office at 1:35 p.m.

It has been a good day thus far. I met with Randy - at Northwestern Community Services. I needed to talk to a counselor about "intervention" for Sarah. As it turns out, Randy was adopted, so in his searching questions for the family history to understand the situation, I didn't know his potential level of understanding. He felt my relationships with the kids have been good and I should keep it up and not be triangulated with their mother. He recognized her as a dry drunk – so – I'm not going to over-react. As for crack cocaine – he said it causes people to hit bottom quickly – unlike alcohol which is subtle over time as an addiction. For some reason he was benefited by the process –

Headed home at 1 p.m. to get my bags. I'm taking the height measuring boards to David and Sarah.…

Hawks/Eagles – I'm seeing red tailed hawks are always visible in the winter season – and seeing them as I travel I always take as a positive sign –

The rebound of my stock in the region – based on my focus/knowledge of the issues – is a great satisfaction to me – I remain humble – but my value to the regional community which I serve – is recognized.


> At Rotary – Chip L… approached me about his partnership.org business plan … referred him to Bill Shendow and the Marsh Institute. That has been a good arrangement for both. He's having is next international conference at Shenandoah University and asked me to be on the committee and present the paper. I agreed and told him I'd wanted to put up a website for regions work – I gave him earth as local planet – and, of course, he got it immediately.

I am so, so thankful for my path…

Here on the plane – I did about 16 minutes of my 2nd practice – but needed water and waited for the steward's cart. As I bought a drink – of Scotch – no Wild Turkey – an afterthought. I got the Dewars and Family of Sha-Rone – Celtic/Scotch into mind. I've limited my alcohol – and haven't bought it on a plane often – but did today. I have thought about seeing Braveheart – having heard part of the soundtrack on Nightshades. Pipes and drums stir me – though they can't be a steady diet.…

Just a rationalization for body/mind yet alcohol? I don't know… It has been a unique day.

At Pittsburgh I ended up helping a Bangladeshi lady make some phone calls using her phone card – she didn't speak much English – she followed on to this plane – I didn't want to take responsibility for that.

I'm thankful to be on S2K. I have 50 years to promote regional community on this local planet. By the 2010 census – state statistical regions will be in the Census –

I am following the abilities potential's advice of establishing myself as an expert on regions/regional community.

I have a great orchestration of my life – that I seek to be more aware of that I might follow it more willingly.

9:33 p.m. – arriving shortly in Dallas – the car choice? Reading Tom Peters – a small book focusing on the PSF – professional services firm – the company of one I am as TJC – and the work of the Commission. Getting the model to work is hard. Public service as drudgery – a skate [something really easy] – I did not have the incentives. The public service model – ESOP –? I'm more concerned about the project structure of regions – I have customers – in know them – but I've not been able to articulate the formula – staff come with an expectation of governmental structure.

Such is the challenge… –

When you have a lot of time, you can write of the mundane. I’ve spared you half of what was recorded this day. If only this were fiction, but it isn’t. To get to Knowledge, much needs to be discarded. Even after 15 years of Steps, I can’t claim to have gotten rid of everything, but life is better and, diamonds can be found among these writings.

If you have been and are a thinker, your life has probably been a stream of consciousness. In most cases, you haven’t written it down, but it is there. Journaling helps you deal with that internal narrative/dialogue – and Steps is even more important as a practice that helps sort out the stream and introduce some objectivity.

We’ve got a review today. Much has occurred in the past two weeks.


Journal second time x2 Step 195.  This is for those who have completed Steps once. Doing Steps with only the texts, messages and your life experience, including what you may have studied and practiced is your journey. I’m showing Step comments after the Step, so as not to influence you in advance. It is a wilderness trek to be left to your own wits, but then you can also listen more closely for guides, angels and teachers, always first saying: “I surround and protect myself with the Love and the Grace of God.” Thankfully, I was taught this practice in 1989.

P.S. If you’ve some interest due to this or other Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. You can use the posts on this blog as a companion if it helps. They will remain in order in the archives - one post per Step.

Often it takes 18 months to get through the Steps once. For this blog, the pace is one-a-day, but it really makes no difference how fast you do it, only that you begin, persist and repeat. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.