
Step 140 - Review Entry for Step 139 - I have come to the world to serve.

Greetings All –

TODAY YOU COMPLETE TWENTY WEEKS OF PRACTICE. You have come this far, and from here you will proceed on with greater strength and certainty, for Knowledge will begin to guide you and to motivate you increasingly as you become attentive to it. You wish to be the servant and the Master all at once because the servant  is in you and the Master is in you. You personally are not the Master, but the Master is in you. You personally are a servant, but you are in relationship with the Master, and so your union is complete. Thus, all aspects of yourself find their rightful place. All things are brought into alignment and harmony with one purpose and one goal. Your life is simple because it is in harmony and in balance. Knowledge will indicate all things that must be done for you — physically, emotionally and mentally—to develop this balance and to maintain it in your current circumstances. Think not that any vital aspect will be overlooked or left undone.

CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT thus far. Review the past six days of practice and gauge your understanding of your progress appropriately. Allow yourself to be a beginning student of Knowledge so that you may receive the very most. You will proceed on from here with greater certainty and speed and greater involvement as well as you learn to utilize all things for your benefit.

PRACTICE 140: One long practice period.

Yes, 20 weeks – there are 52 in the year. We can recognize progress and look ahead. In “Living the Way of Knowledge” the journey is compared to climbing a mountain: “You must take the steps that take you to that vantage point on the mountain of life where you can see clearly and understand where you are on the path and where it has taken you, and to gain an appreciation of what is ahead and what it will require.” This imagery has been and remains helpful to many students.  

From the Journal:

9:45 p.m. Friday, Dec 3

 A good audition for Bill Shendow when I spoke to his state and local government class at Shenandoah University. I’ve got more…

Not much of a record in the journal today. The page offers a bit in the text underlining and the question: What have I taught myself? I’ve been taught by others, maybe chosen to accept, question or even reject what others were teaching. I may have studies several things and cobbled together some ideas, but is that “teaching myself?”